Our body is a biological machine The food that we eat the exercise that we do are fuel for the body which help the body to function properly . Our body has diffrent organ system. Each organisam system carries out a specific life process
The digestive system help to break down the food we eat into smaller form so that they may be used by the body for genrating energy. The circulatory system The cirulatory system pumps blood continuously which not only helpcarry nutrient to the different part of the body but also collect waste to from the body the excretory system help to give birth to yonger ones so that special may continue to exist Here in this chapter we will learn about what is skelaton system
The skelaton system is made uip of bones the bones in oure body join at differnt place to from the frmework of bones called the skelaton system there are 206 bones in adult human being.A baby ;has more than 206 bones but as it gropws
some bones fuse togethert The skelton give shape and and sapport to the body It is due to our skelaton system that we an upright stucture The bones in our body help It is due to move about rib in diffrent way the skelton system has differnt part they are the arm The hind limbs. The bones of the forelimbe are attaches to the shoulder girdle. The bones of the hind limbe are attached to the girdle.